机组特点:Cooler Features 1)机组结构新怡、安装方便、保养快捷,实用在环保型或通风不好的车间更佳实用。 1)This cooler features unusual structure, convenient installation and quick maintenance, and is especially suitable for environmental-friendly or poorly-ventilated workshop. 2)采用欧美原装进口压缩机及意大利水泵,运行噪音低,省电耐用,使用寿命长。 2)It is equipped with the original compressor of Europe or US and the pump of Italy, featuring low operating noise, electricity , perfect durability and long service life. 3)温度控器采用进口高精度数字显示,能控制水温在±1℃,控制范围3℃~45℃, 3)The temperature controller is an imported high-precision digital display one, which can accurately control water temperature at ±1℃ with a temperature control range of3℃-45℃. 4)电器采用施耐德品牌及欧美进口厂牌电器配备,确保机组运行安全。 4)Electrical equipments are of Scheider brand or imported from Europe or U.S. factory, ensuring the operating safety of the water cooler. 5)机内拥有开放式或密闭式不锈钢保温水箱,使用寿命长,清洗保养方便快捷。 5)The cooler is equipped with open-type or closed-type stainless-steel temperature preservation water tank, which features long service life and convenient and quick cleanout and maintenance. 6)所有机组均按国家标准进行出厂运行及安全性能测试,确保机组品质。 6)Ex-factory operation and safety performance tests been conducted for all water coolers to ensure their quality.
厂家直销 专业生产 风冷分体式冷水机